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She made her rounds on The Tyra Banks Show, giving her charming, Southern explanation of just what the f- happened upon her return. She appeared on Leno, where he gifted her a bobble head doll of herself. Her literal crusade went viral in a time before Twitter when even YouTube and Facebook were only a year old. This was early in the era of instant social viral news-a time when Perrin's meltdown had a little bit of time to ruminate across America. 'This is tainted! I am a God warrior, and I don't want anyone tainted doing anything with my family!'Īnd thus, televised gold. After a week together, Perrin returned home and gave one of the most iconic meltdowns to grace mid-2000s reality television, notably screaming, 'They're tampering with the dark side,' the gap in her teeth making that a in dark sound more like dork. Perrin, a devout Christian from rural Louisiana, was swapped with a Boston hypnotherapist, married to an astrologer. The series, Trading Spouses, took mothers from polar opposite homes and swapped them with one another. In November 2005, Marguerite Perrin (later to be known as God Warrior), entered the annals of Reality Television Superstardom in a time where absurd reality television was thriving.

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